
The Agendas API uses the OAuth2 protocol.

Grant Types

There are 2 kinds of grant types you’ll be able to use with Agendas:

Which grant type should I use?

Use Authorization Code Grant if:

Use Implicit Grant if:

TL;DR Generally, use implicit grant for static web apps or mobile apps. For apps that run on a server, use authorization code grant.

Configuring Authentication

To configure authentication settings, go to the Agendas developer console, select your app on the dashboard, then scroll down to the section titled Authentication.

Configuring Authorization Code Grant

Here’s how to configure authorization code grant for your app:

  1. Click on the Auth Code Grant tab.
  2. Enable the switch if you haven’t done so.
  3. Click the Show button below the switch to retrieve your client secret.
  4. That’s it!

Should you ever need to regenerate your client secret, use the red regenerate button to the right of your client secret.

Configuring Implicit Grant

  1. Select the Implicit tab.
  2. Click the Enable button (or the edit icon if you’ve already enabled it.)
  3. Enter the redirect URL you’d like to use.
  4. That’s it!

Retrieving an Access Token

Authorization Code Grant

Coming soon! Now here!

Step 1: Request a Grant Code

To obtain a grant code, open a browser window with the URL Pass in your client ID, a redirect URL, and some scopes (separated by spaces) through query variables.

Sample Request:,SCOPE
Param Name Description
response_type Pass in code to use authorization code grant.
client_id Your app’s client ID. You can find this in the console.
redirect_uri The URL to send the token to.
scope A space-separated list of authentication scopes.

Step 2: Get the Grant Code

If authentication succeeds, the API will redirect the user to your redirect URL, like so:

Example Response URL: https://redirect.url?code=GRANT_CODE

The grant code will be in the code parameter of the URL. This grant code is only valid for 60 seconds, so use it quickly!

Step 3: Retrieve an Access Token

To retrieve an access token, send an HTTP POST request to the token endpoint with these values in the request body:

Key Type Required? Description
grant_type string Yes Pass in authorization_code to use authorization code grant.
code string Yes The grant code you received in step 2.
client_id string Yes Your app’s client ID. You can find this in the console.
client_secret string Yes Your app’s client secret. You can find this in the console.

If authentication is successful, the endpoint will return these values:

Key Type Description
ok boolean Whether authentication succeeded. (should be true)
token_type string The type of access token the server has issued. This is always set to bearer.
expires_in number The number of seconds until the access token expires (usually 1 hour).
access_token string Your access token.
refresh_token string A refresh token to use in step 4. This token never expires.

If authentication fails, the endpoint will return an error:

Status Error Code Description
400 invalid_request Your request is missing some parameters.
400 invalid_grant The authorization code (or refresh token) is invalid.
400 invalid_client The client secret and client ID are invalid.
500 server_error An internal server error occurred.

Sample Request:

  "grant_type": "authorization_code",
  "code": GRANT_CODE,
  "client_id": CLIENT_ID,
  "client_secret": CLIENT_SECRET

Sample Response:

  "ok": true,
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN,
  "refresh_token": REFRESH_TOKEN

Sample Error:

  "ok": false,
  "error": "invalid_grant"

Step 4: Refresh an Access Token

After an hour, your access token will expire, and you will lose access to the user’s agendas.

But don’t worry! You can use refresh tokens to fix this problem.

To use a refresh token, use the same token endpoint you used in step 3. Pass in these values:

Key Type Required? Description
grant_type string Yes Pass in refresh_token to use your refresh token.
refresh_token string Yes The refresh token you received in step 3.
client_id string Yes Your app’s client ID. You can find this in the console.
client_secret string Yes Your app’s client secret. You can find this in the console.

The server will issue a new access token and a new refresh token, as shown in step 3.

NOTE: Refresh tokens never expire on their own. However, calling the token endpoint will invalidate any existing refresh tokens.

Implicit Grant

To obtain a token, open a browser window with the URL Pass in your client ID, redirect URL, and scopes (separated by spaces) through query variables.

You can also pass in an optional state parameter.

Sample Request:,SCOPE
Param Name Description
response_type Pass in token to use implicit grant.
client_id Your app’s client ID. You can find this in the console.
redirect_uri The URL to send the token to. This must match the redirect URL you’ve set in the console.
scope A space-separated list of authentication scopes.


If authentication succeeds, the API will redirect the user to your redirect URL. The access token will be in the access_token parameter of the URL. This access token is valid for 7 days.

Example Response URL: https://redirect.url?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN&token_type=bearer&expires_in=604800

Authentication Scopes

Here’s a list of the authentication scopes you can use:

Scope Name Permission
email Retrieve the user’s email address
username-read Read the user’s username
agenda-read Read the user’s agendas, tags, and tasks
agenda-write Write to the user’s agendas, tags, and tasks

Using Access Tokens

When calling an API method, you can authenticate using these 2 methods:

Authentication Errors

Authentication errors will be sent in plain text.

Status Response Body Meaning
401 Missing token You did not provide an access token.
401 Invalid token type Your token’s type is not supported by the Agendas API. Make sure it is a Bearer token.
401 Token expired Your token has expired. You should ask the user to re-authenticate.
401 Invalid token The token you provided is incorrect, has been revoked, or is otherwise invalid. You should ask the user to re-authenticate.
403   Your app does not have permission to access a resource. Try re-authenticating with the correct scopes.

Next Steps