
GET tasks/{agenda}

Retrieves the list of tasks in an agenda.

Request Parameters

This endpoint does not accept any parameters.


A JSON array with objects representing tasks.

NOTE: This endpoint represents tags using their IDs (see the example).



GET https://api.agendas.co/api/v1/tasks/-abcdefgh00


    "id": "-a123456789",
    "name": "Task 1",
    "completed": true,
    "deadline": "1984-01-24T05:00:00.000Z",
    "deadlineTime": true,
    "repeat": "day",
    "repeatEnds": "1984-01-25T05:00:00.000Z",
    "tags": {
      "-a123456000": true
    "priority": 1,
    "notes": "Hello, world!"
    "id": "-a123456800",
    "name": "Task 2"

POST tasks/{agenda}

Creates a new task in an agenda.

Request Parameters

This endpoint does not accept any parameters.

Request Body

Key Type Required? Description
name string No The name of the task.
completed bool No true if the task has been completed.
deadline date No The deadline of the task.
deadlineTime bool No true if the task’s deadline has a time.
repeat string No A string corresponding to a repeat.
repeatEnds date No The date when the task should stop repeating.
tags array No An array containing the IDs of the tags this task belongs to.
priority number No The priority of the task.
notes string No The notes for the task.


A JSON object with these parameters:

Key Type Description
ok bool Whether the operation succeeded.
id string The ID of the new task.



POST https://api.agendas.co/api/v1/tasks/-abcdefgh00
  "name": "New Task"


  "ok": true,
  "id": "-abcdefghijk"

GET tasks/{agenda}/{id}

Gets the task with a specified ID.

Request Parameters

This endpoint does not accept any parameters.


A JSON object with these paramters:

Key Type Description
name string The name of the task.
completed bool true if the task has been completed.
deadline date The deadline of the task.
deadlineTime bool true if the task’s deadline has a time.
repeat string A string corresponding to a repeat.
repeatEnds date The date when the task should stop repeating.
tags array An array containing the tags this task belongs to. See Tags
priority number The priority of the task.
notes string The notes for the task.



GET https://api.agendas.co/api/v1/tasks/-abcdefgh00/-a123456789


  "id": "-a123456789",
  "name": "Task 1",
  "completed": true,
  "deadline": "1984-01-24T05:00:00.000Z",
  "deadlineTime": true,
  "repeat": "day",
  "repeatEnds": "1984-01-25T05:00:00.000Z",
  "tags": [{
    "id": "-a123456000",
    "name": "Tag",
    "color": "blue-A700"
  "priority": 1,
  "notes": "Hello, world!"

PUT tasks/{agenda}/{id}

Overwrites the task with a specified ID.

This endpoint will remove any properties that are not in the request body.

Request Parameters

This endpoint does not accept any parameters.

Request Body

Key Type Required? Description
name string No The name of the task.
completed bool No true if the task has been completed.
deadline date No The deadline of the task.
deadlineTime bool No true if the task’s deadline has a time.
repeat string No A string corresponding to a repeat.
repeatEnds date No The date when the task should stop repeating.
tags array No An array containing the IDs of the tags this task belongs to.
priority number No The priority of the task.
notes string No The notes for the task.


A JSON object with these parameters:

Key Type Description
ok string Whether the operation succeeded.



PUT https://api.agendas.co/api/v1/tasks/-abcdefgh00/-a123456789
  "name": "A Task",
  "tags": ["-a123456000"]


  "ok": true

PATCH tasks/{agenda}/{id}

Updates the task with a specified ID.

This API endpoint only updates properties defined in the request body. To remove a property using this endpoint, set it to null.

Request Parameters

This endpoint does not accept any parameters.

Request Body

Key Type Required? Description
name string No The name of the task.
completed bool No true if the task has been completed.
deadline date No The deadline of the task.
deadlineTime bool No true if the task’s deadline has a time.
repeat string No A string corresponding to a repeat.
repeatEnds date No The date when the task should stop repeating.
tags array No An array containing the IDs of the tags this task belongs to.
priority number No The priority of the task.
notes string No The notes for the task.


A JSON object with these parameters:

Key Type Description
ok string Whether the operation succeeded.



PATCH https://api.agendas.co/api/v1/tasks/-abcdefgh00/-a123456789
  "name": "Generic Task",
  "deadlineTime": false,
  "repeatEnds": null


  "ok": true

DELETE tasks/{agenda}/{id}

Deletes the task with a specified ID.

Request Parameters

This endpoint does not accept any parameters.


A JSON object with these parameters:

Key Type Description
ok string Whether the operation succeeded.



DELETE https://api.agendas.co/api/v1/tasks/-abcdefgh00/-a123456789


  "ok": true


repeats Repeat Every
undefined No Repeat
day Day
weekday Weekday (Monday-Friday)
week Week
2-weeks Other Week
month Month
year Year

Next Steps

Organize tasks using tags.